Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ben Affleck Was Mistaken For A Bank Robber

LOL! While Ben Affleck was filming a scene for 'The Town' he was mistaken for a bank robber. The actor forgot he was still in costume and WALKED INTO A BANK with a fake machine gun and a mask on!!!
�??One day we were shooting near a bank and they wanted to keep the bank open for the day so we tried to accommodate them as best we could.�??And we had this scene where I have my mask on and a machine gun and Jeremy Renner is the same and we�??re dragging Rebecca Hall into the van.�??I realized that I should start from inside the bank to give myself a place to cut so I went into the bank. I walked in wearing a skeleton mask, holding a machine gun and I have never seen true terror until that moment. Including from the security guard.�?�
Ben told Jay Leno that when he tried to calm everyone down it just got worse:
�??One lady just screamed so I took my mask off and went �??It�??s OK, it�??s just me�?? and that made her scream even louder!�?�
Hilarious! I'm sure that's a story that woman will be telling for many years to come. Photos by INF Continue reading

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