Sunday, May 15, 2011

Parris Mosteller .vs. Michael Phelps

Parris Mosteller stars as Stink in this summer's Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer�(based on the children's book series) in theatres June 10, 2011.�

When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?

I hope my �brothers dont eat my breakfast!

Blackberry, Windows, Android or iPhone?


Last song you listened to?

Tracks of my tears by Paul McDonald from American idol.

Last show you watched?

River monsters on the science channel.

Last movie you saw?

Toy story 3

What is your guilty pleasure?

Singing like a rock star with a fake mike in the shower.

Any secret talents?

I can swim really fast and really far... Like Michael phelps!

What is one thing you are afraid of?

Taking the trash out at night.

Dream Vacation if money was no object:

Paris, France!

If you had the last $100 in the world, how would you spend it?

I would keep it in a safe place, in case things turn around.

If you had to create your own rules on your own island, what would be the first rule?

No underwear allowed!

When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?��I hope my brothers don't eat my breakfast!

Blackberry, Windows, Android or iPhone?

Last song you listened to?�Tracks of My Tears by Paul McDonald from American Idol

Last show you watched?�River Monsters on the Science Channel.

Last movie you saw?�Toy Story 3

What is your guilty pleasure?�Singing like a rock star with a fake mic in the shower.�

Any secret talents?�I can swim really fast and really far... like Michael Phelps!�

What is one thing you are afraid of?�Taking the trash out at night.�

Dream Vacation if money was no object:�Paris, France!

If you had the last $100 in the world, how would you spend it?�I would keep it in a safe place, in case things turn around.

If you had to create your own rules on your own island, what would be the first rule?�No underwear allowed!


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