Friday, April 29, 2011

WATCH: Jamie Oliver Wants Flavored Milk Removed From Schools

Remember how when I was little sometimes the only good part of my day was getting a chocolate milk when I got home from school? Well, little did my 8-year-old self know that I was slowly killing myself. Hooray!

Jamie Oliver, king of the ?Food Revolution? in American schools, was on ?Jimmy Kimmel Live? on April 26th and announced his plans to remove flavored milk from cafeterias.

He was joined by John Deasy, the superintendent from the Los Angeles Unified School District, and the two revealed that their plan will start next fall.

That means no strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, or whatever other artificially flavored milks will be tolerated as part of an option at school.

?There?s more sugar per ounce in flavored milk than there is in a can of soda,? Oliver said. ?If you think about a little 4-year old to an 18-year old [drinking this] sometimes twice a day?just flavored milk?in their time at school and then you?re worried about diabetes??

The only problem is that if the school systems are able to sniff out flavored milks without the added sugar, there?s a chance that the flavored drinks could be reintroduced back into schools.

What was great is that Jimmy Kimmel is backing their plan, and seeing as he is a parent we think that?s the responsible thing for him to do.

View the clip in full below!

Via VegetarianStar

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