Monday, June 27, 2011

Casey Anthony Deemed Competent to Stand Trial

The Casey Anthony trial resumed this morning after a judge ruled that the 25-year-old accused murderer from Orlando is competent to stand trial.

The trial was abruptly put on hold over the weekend after the judge said a "legal matter" had come up. That matter was Anthony's mental state.

Defense lawyers filed a motion to determine her competency to proceed, and after three psychologists found her competent, the trial goes on.

Casey Anthony on Trial (Day 40)

Casey, who is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, in 2008, has pleaded not guilty. She faces the death penalty if convicted.

Prosecutors allege Anthony killed her daughter by using chloroform and suffocating her with duct tape, then leaving her lifeless body in the woods.

Casey Anthony's defense hinges on the theory that Caylee accidentally drowned, that Anthony and her father, George, covered up the accident.

George's prior sexual abuse of Casey when she was a child factored into this poor judgment, her lawyers have posited, to much controversy.

Caylee's remains were found in December 2008, almost six months after she was reported missing, in a wooded area not far from her home.

On Friday, Casey's attorneys showed jurors photos of Caylee climbing a ladder into (Read more...)

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