Thursday, June 23, 2011

Justin Bieber -- Clash w/ Plainclothes Cop

A member of Justin Bieber's personal security team was cited for disorderly conduct today after the singer had a frightening run-in with an undercover cop in NYC ... but it was all one MAJOR misunderstanding.


Bieber was signing autographs outside of Macy's when the crowd became unruly ... and a plainclothes police officer rushed to help the singer.

Problem is -- Bieber didn't know the guy was a cop -- so when the cop got close to Justin ... Bieber got defensive thinking he was a crazy fan.� A member of Bieber's security team immediately grabbed the cop and tried to pull him away.

The cop quickly identified himself -- and cited the security team member for disorderly conduct.

0623_bieber_screamer_mini_launch_2But this story has a happy ending ... sources connected to the situation tell us both sides straightened everything out -- and Bieber is still signing autographs inside the department store.

Tags: Justin Bieber,�Celebrity Justice


Rachel Weisz Miranda Kerr Sarah Mutch Shannyn Sossamon Maria Bello

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