Adding another magazine cover to her credit, Mila Kunis scored the front of Flare's August 2011 issue.
The ?Forgetting Sarah Marshall? hottie looks lovely in a Lanvin creation and in the accompanying interview, she talks about working with Justin Timberlake on ?Friends With Benefits.?
?There wasn?t one day [on set] when I didn?t crack up. Justin has become one of my closest friends. We realized we had the same sense of humor, we got along really well and we had the same opinions on things.?
Mila also noted that she?s looking forward to resting a bit. ?I?ve never had honest time off. I?ve always been reading scripts and looking at projects, so come January of next year I?m going to take a solid couple of months off and hopefully go travel. Like, truly travel. Travel and see the world and experience life.?
She also loves getting all gussied up for the red carpet. ?I?m a very casual person in real life, so I do find it very fun to be able to have the opportunity to dress up.?
Source: http://celebrity-gossip.net/mila-kunis/mila-kunis-flare-flirt-518569
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